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Cootie Catcher Conservation

These second grade boys are concerned with our environment and especially concerned with increasing the understanding of how to protect endangered animals.  They wanted to inform their peers about different animals that were endangered in a different and fun way. So… they came up with making fortune tellers/cootie catchers that kids could play with at lunch.  During the course of the fall session, they identified 3 different animals(tigers, sharks and sea turtles), found facts about those animals, chose pictures of those animals and put all onto a template for a cootie catcher.  Next, came the folding. They folded about 50 different cootie catchers for each animal. The folding and opening game was placed strategically on all the elementary school lunch tables so that students could read the facts and see the pictures when they were done with lunch.

Students: Jayden Zheng, Michael Feng, Daniel Luo